There’s a lot of talk surrounding the impending “robot apocalypse.” Over the last couple of decades, driverless cars and life-like robots only appeared in sci-fi movies, but the lines between fiction and reality have started to blur. Examining the influence of automation on the American job market, researchers from Oxford University state that almost 50% of U.S. workers are likely to lose their jobs to automation over the next 20 years.
With the speed in which tech is evolving, will there actually be anything left for humans to do that machines can’t carry out? Fortunately, yes. Unsurprisingly, most of them have to do with utilizing people skills, which we have covered here on Careers Done Write.
So, with that in mind, here is a list of some jobs that are safe from automation… At least for now.
Last year, NBC News reported on the very first auctioned work of art made using an algorithm. The controversial canvas was made by feeding a system 15,000 different portraits, which resulted in an entirely new image altogether. While it’s an interesting take, the painting garnered plenty of flak for its definition of “art.” After all, humans draw from life experiences, emotions, and creativity to bring ideas to life. Without these important factors, art loses its essence as a vehicle for sharing experiences. So, if you’re a singer, writer, or designer, you probably shouldn’t worry too much.
At the moment, people have enough issues with technology and its invasion of user privacy. It’s unlikely that any job that deals with tackling personal and sensitive issues will be handed over to robots anytime soon. After all, people go to professionals like therapists because they need emotional support and advice. The therapists don’t just simply listen and digest information. Therapists go through extensive training and education just to know how to empathize and understand patients properly — something only a living, breathing person can provide.
Healthcare professionals
Healthcare is another industry that is inherently humanistic. For any medical professional, compassion and encouragement are both invaluable skills to have. But with the increasing demands of patients and growing health complications, tech innovation is inevitable. Instead of replacing doctors and nurses, machines can save lives by improving the quality of work and boosting efficiency. One example is the recently created deep learning model by MIT researchers that can predict the likelihood of a woman developing breast cancer. Even if the robot is able to take care of the detection part, it’s still up to the healthcare providers themselves to take the necessary steps to improve their patient’s condition.
The legal industry is known for being very traditional, but the legal professionals on Special Counsel point out the need for innovative solutions to fight tough legal challenges and uncover new possibilities. It’s especially true during conflicts — many of which involve technology. But whatever the case, AI won’t automate lawyers out of jobs just yet. Humans are still needed for their independent professional judgment and critical thinking, while automation can take care of mundane tasks such as contract management, ensuring compliance, and sorting files.
Teachers do more than just relay information. These unsung heroes are tasked with the daunting job of nurturing young people. Education Dive notes that only human teachers are capable of fostering higher-order thinking skills and inciting inspiration, both of which are crucial in creating well-rounded and confident individuals. Instead, automation can cover humdrum routine work like checking test papers and creating presentations.